Some words on British memory of the Great War after World War II to the present day
World War I / Great War, Great Britain, memorials, Cenotaph, memory, Armistice Day, commemorationAbstract
The huge losses and traumatic experiences of the Great War have left a permanent mark on the lives of millions of Britons and their families. The construction of monuments, military cemeteries and anniversary rituals commemorating fallen soldiers shaped the memory of World War I, especially kept it alive after the war and during the inter war period. This article examines the memory of the Great War of Britons after the experience of World War II and currently, during the Centenary of World War I. Creating collective memory of the Great War and its perception have undergone significant changes in the decades following 1945. The veterans and their families have played a particularly active role in keeping the memory alive. The oral history projects, television programs and interviews with the last surviving veterans, participants and witnesses of the war resulted in growing popular interest in the Great War in the 1980s and the decades to come. The Centenary of the Great War celebrated in 2014–2018, with its various initiatives and commemorative ceremonies, played a significant role in disseminating the popular image of the World War I and in keeping its memory alive by the next generations of Britons.
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