Radbruch vs. Kelsen? Solving the Dilemma of Punishing Nazi Criminals at Nuremberg from the Perspective of Legal Philosophy and History
Radbruch’s formula, Hans Kelsen, Lex retro non agit, legal philosophy, The Nuremberg trials, transitional justiceAbstract
The problem of prosecuting war criminals falls within the sphere of interest of both lawyers and historians. Proposed interdisciplinary research aims to compare both points of view, presented in two aspects. The first aspect concerns dilemmas of the Nuremberg trials and the legal basis for the conviction of war criminals from legal-philosophical and historical perspectives. The second aspect refers to the analysis of the formula created by Gustav Radbruch adapted in the doctrine, along with juxtaposing it with its counterpart proposed by Hans Kelsen, which refers to the interpretation of the lex retro non agit principle. The crucial element of the article is the analysis of those aforementioned approaches in social and legal contexts. The comparison of the commonly known Radbruch’s formula with the less popular concept of Hans Kelsen paves the way for discussion between lawyers, philosophers, and historians.
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