Employee Experience Models – a Comparative Analysis. Notes on the Methodology of Global Research on Employees’ Experiences and Their Perceptions of the Meaning of Work





Employee Experience models, experience modules, Employee Experience Index


Purpose: The article constitutes a conceptual paper. It aims to identify areas of inconsistency between the content of Employee Experience (EX) models and the Customer Experience (CX) approach. For this purpose, the content of EX models is confronted with the results of the global research defining the values of the Employee Experience Index worldwide, and on this basis, the directions for improving the methodology used in the above‑mentioned research are specified.

Approach: Based on the content analysis, 78 sub‑determinants of experiences and sensations found in the five models of EX described in the literature were assigned to one of the five modules distinguished in the CX framework, and then the equivalence of treatment of all modules was addressed. Furthermore, the presence of the five axial dimensions of work according to the job characteristics model was identified in the five EX models, and the results were compared with those of the global study.

Results: Underrepresentation in all five EX models of the sensory module was shown, as was the absence of axial dimensions of work such as skill variety, task identity or task significance.

Implications: The conducted comparative analysis includes practical implications, as enriching EX models and the relevant research with sensory sub‑determinants and all axial dimensions of work will not only give a more reliable picture of positive employee experience than before but will also indicate the opportunities to influence them.

Value/Originality: EX models have not yet been compared from the perspective of the modular approach used in CX or from the perspective of the job characteristic model. The combination of the above‑mentioned study type of qualitative and quantitative analysis is original. Their application helped to identify the existing gap in the form of sub‑determinants not included in EX models.


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How to Cite

Lipka, A. (2023). Employee Experience Models – a Comparative Analysis. Notes on the Methodology of Global Research on Employees’ Experiences and Their Perceptions of the Meaning of Work. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Oeconomica, 3(364), 52–77. https://doi.org/10.18778/0208-6018.364.04




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