Typological Classification of the Mortgage Borrowers With the use of the Latent Class Models


  • Marcin Idzik Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Faculty Of Economic Sciences
  • Jacek Gieorgica The Polish Bank Association (ZBP)




mortgage borrowers, typological classification, latent class models


The holders of the mortgage loans constitute more than 6 percent of the individual customers of banks. In a wide-spread opinion, this group is regarded as homogeneous; however, the sociodemographic features not only do not explain, but actually conceal the diversified circumstances of the decisions made by the mortgage borrowers on the financial market. The diversifying factors are as follows: the psychographic profile, the attitude towards taking risks, the knowledge about the finances, caution, the inclination to get indebted and make savings. The objective of the research was to isolate homogeneous segments of the mortgage loan holders in terms of the circumstances of making consumer decisions on the financial market. Five homogeneous groups of mortgage borrowers were selected in terms of circumstances and motives behind the decisions on the financial market. This segmentation was conducted using latent class models (LCA). Latent class models enabled us to identify the feature subtypes connected with each other which are not recorded in a traditional approach. The research was conducted using a CAPI method on a nation-wide representative sample of mortgage loan holders of N=900, out of which N=800 were borrowers in Swiss francs, and N=100 were borrowers in Polish zlotys. The research was conducted by TNS Polska in March 2014 and second wave in March 2015 r.


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How to Cite

Idzik, M., & Gieorgica, J. (2016). Typological Classification of the Mortgage Borrowers With the use of the Latent Class Models. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Oeconomica, 4(323), [203]-220. https://doi.org/10.18778/0208-6018.323.14




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