Innovativeness and Changes in the Labour Market in Poland


  • Edyta Żmurkow-Poteralska University of Lodz, Faculty of Economics and Sociology, Department of Spatial Econometrics



innovativeness, synthetic index, labour market, employment structure, relationship


Innovativeness is an important determinant of changes in the modern economy. These changes occur in all its areas, including the labour market, where the workforce adjusts to the needs of innovative economy. The aim of the paper is an attempt to capture the relationship between the innovativeness and changes occurring in the labour market in Poland. The study covers the measurement and analysis of the innovation level based on the synthetic measure. Next, the analysis of changes in the employment structure across economic activities, technology and knowledge-intensive sectors and occupations and qualifications have been done. The last part covers the research on the relationship between the level of innovation and the structure of employment.


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How to Cite

Żmurkow-Poteralska, E. (2017). Innovativeness and Changes in the Labour Market in Poland. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Oeconomica, 4(324), [121]-138.



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