Motives for Undertaking Organizational Citizenship Behaviors by Differentiated Generations of Employees




organizational citizenship behaviors, generations of employees


The issue of undertaking organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) in enterprises, due to their wide and positive impact on many aspects of organizational activity, remains in the area of interest of management theorists and practitioners. These behaviors, due to the fact that they go beyond the formal professional role of employees, affect the quality of work performed, financial efficiency, improve the atmosphere at work, stimulate the development of innovative competences and behaviors, and customer satisfaction. However, the determinants and conditions in which employees work for the benefit of the organization, without expecting remuneration, are not fully identified. The purpose of this study is therefore to identify and analyze the motives for undertaking organizational citizenship behaviors by representatives of employee groups of different generations. The exploratory nature of the problem determined the adoption of qualitative approach. The study used the case study method and, within it, partly structured interviews and analysis of company documents.


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How to Cite

Lewicka, D., Pec, M., & Wilk, A. (2020). Motives for Undertaking Organizational Citizenship Behaviors by Differentiated Generations of Employees. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Oeconomica, 1(346), 97–111.




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