The Application of Statistical Methods to Identify Factors Determining Employment Effectiveness in District Labour Offices in Poland




correlation analysis, stepwise regression, zeroed unitarization, multidimensional correspondence analysis, employment effectiveness, District Labor Offices


In Poland, institutions that perform public tasks in the field of the labour market are state employment services, including District Labour Offices (PUPs). They try to restore the unemployed to the open labour market using active forms of their activation. The activities of PUPs in the field of customer activation are subject to annual evaluation. According to the “Act on Employment Promotion and on Labour Market Institutions”, four indicators were selected for the evaluation of the functioning of labour offices in 2015–2017. Among them, the employment effectiveness index is very important, as its level allows us to assess to what extent active forms of activation of the unemployed implemented by PUPs contribute to the return of the unemployed to employment. This assessment is so important that in Poland as well as in other countries research has been conducted on both active forms of activation of the unemployed and employment policies. The aim of the research whose results are presented in the article was to identify factors influencing the employment effectiveness index achieved by District Labour Offices (PUPs) operating in Poland in 2016. Selected statistical methods were used, including correlation and regression analysis as well as multidimensional correspondence analysis. It turned out that the methods applied did not make it possible to unambiguously identify factors which had significantly affected the employment effectiveness index calculated on the basis of all forms of activation. It may turn out that clearer relations could be identified if this indicator was considered separately for particular forms of activation.


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How to Cite

Bąk, I., Wawrzyniak, K., & Oesterreich, M. (2019). The Application of Statistical Methods to Identify Factors Determining Employment Effectiveness in District Labour Offices in Poland. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Oeconomica, 4(343), 235–255.




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