The Spatial Diversity of the Social Housing Stock in the Voivodship Capital Cities of Poland




social housing in Poland, municipal housing stock, convergence


The Polish municipalities are obliged to act directly in the housing market by satisfying the housing needs of people who cannot do it themselves due to their financial or personal situation. Social flats are used for this purpose. In 2009, cities such as Wroclaw, Lodz and Cracow had the share of social housing in the municipal stock at a very low level (Lodz and Wroclaw below 3%, Cracow approx. 4%). In 2016, the situation changed – some cities significantly increased their share of the social housing stock, while in others the share remained at a low level. Cracow currently has approx. 20% of the social housing stock in its municipal housing stock, but Wroclaw and Lodz have the share of social housing stock at the level of 4%.

The authors have decided to examine whether the observed trends have led to the convergence of social housing stock among voivodship capital cities and what was the role of socio‑economic factors in the investigated process. Research methods in the form of critical analysis of literature, review of documents and panel data econometrics were used.


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How to Cite

Załęczna, M., & Żelazowski, K. (2019). The Spatial Diversity of the Social Housing Stock in the Voivodship Capital Cities of Poland. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Oeconomica, 1(340), 163–179.




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