Institutional Analysis Model for Examining Direct Democracy Phenomena: a Case Study of Participatory Budgeting




direct democracy, participatory budget, new institutional economics, varieties of capitalism, intersectionality approach


Direct democracy, the tradition of which dates back to ancient Athens, is now widely practised in many countries around the world. In this paper, a case study of participatory budgeting is given as an illustration of how residents can decide directly about their common resources. The paper is theoretical in nature. It aims to present a model of institutional analysis of direct democracy phenomena based on the example of participatory budgets analysis, taking into account variables related to two novel approaches: Varieties of Capitalism and intersectionality. This model can be used for diagnosing aspects of local democracy, comparative studies of participatory budgeting processes taking place in various countries around the world, as well as for further research into other processes of direct democracy, thus contributing to the development of knowledge in this field and to social sciences in general.


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Author Biography

Zofia Łapniewska, Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Faculty of Management and Social Communication Institute of Economics, Finance and Management

Dr. Zofia Łapniewska is a Lecturer in the Department of Institutional Economics and Economic Policy at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland. From 2012 to 2016 she was a postdoctoral researcher, among others at the Humboldt University in Berlin and the London School of Economics and Political Science. Her articles have been published in such journals as Feminist Economics and Review of Radical Political Economics. Her areas of scientific interests are: institutional economics, economic policy and feminist economics.



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How to Cite

Łapniewska, Z. (2019). Institutional Analysis Model for Examining Direct Democracy Phenomena: a Case Study of Participatory Budgeting. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Oeconomica, 2(341), 81–97.




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