The Benefits of Using XBRL for Reporting on Capital Markets in the Light of Market Supervisors Reports and Scientific Research




XBRL, reporting, capital markets, benefits


The aim of the article is to identify the most important benefits associated with the use of XBRL for the needs of reporting on capital markets enumerated and analyzed by supervisors of these markets and verified in empirical scientific research. Analyzes and research indicate that the use of the XBRL standard as a tool supporting financial reporting can improve the flow of information, increase the quality and quantity of data available to recipients, increase the comparability of financial statements, increase the ability of users to process and analyze data. The standard may have a major impact on the functioning of the capital market by reducing information asymmetry between market participants, reducing costs of equity, increasing market liquidity. The benefits of using XBRL can be noted by all participants of the capital markets – enterprises financing their operations through these markets, market regulators, investors and analysts.


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How to Cite

Klimczak, K. (2019). The Benefits of Using XBRL for Reporting on Capital Markets in the Light of Market Supervisors Reports and Scientific Research. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Oeconomica, 1(340), 57–72.




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