Book Reviews


  • Oli Mould Loughborough University (UK)
  • Monika Murzyn-Kupisz Cracow University of Economics (Poland)
  • Arnoud Lagendijk Radboud University Nijmegen (the Netherlands)
  • Alina Congreve University of Reading (UK)
  • Karyn Morrissey National University of Ireland, Galway (Ireland)
  • Sarah Meys Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium)
  • Charles Travis University of Dublin, Trinity College (Ireland)
  • Damian Maye Universities of Gloucestershire and the West of England (UK)
  • Giancarlo Cotella Torino Polytechnic – EUPOLIS|DITER (Italy)
  • Florian Koch University of Applied Sciences, Erfurt (Germany)
  • Ron Johnston University of Bristol (UK)
  • Maria J. Figueroa DTU Transport-Technical University of Denmark
  • Terri Moreau Royal Holloway University of London (UK)
  • Tamsin Davies Aberystwyth University, Wales (UK)
  • Gábor Nagy ‘Alföld’ Institute, Békéscsaba (Hungary)
  • Nick James Open University (UK)
  • Valentino Dhiyu Asmoro Geography Network (Indonesia)


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How to Cite

Mould, O., Murzyn-Kupisz, M., Lagendijk, A., Congreve, A., Morrissey, K., Meys, S., … Asmoro, V. D. . (2010). Book Reviews. European Spatial Research and Policy, 17(1), 143–184. Retrieved from



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