Decomposition of Congruence Modular Algebras into Atomic, Atomless Locally Uniform and Anti-Uniform Parts


  • Bogdan Staruch University of Warmia and Mazury, Olsztyn, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
  • Bożena Staruch



universal algebra, algebraic lattice, congruence lattice, atomic lattice, modular lattice, uniform lattice, subdirect product, star-product, decomposition of algebra


We describe here a special subdirect decomposition of algebras with modular congruence lattice. Such a decomposition (called a star-decomposition) is based on the properties of the congruence lattices of algebras. We consider four properties of lattices: atomic, atomless, locally uniform and anti-uniform. In effect, we describe a star-decomposition of a given algebra with modular congruence lattice into two or three parts associated to these properties.


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How to Cite

Staruch, B., & Staruch, B. (2016). Decomposition of Congruence Modular Algebras into Atomic, Atomless Locally Uniform and Anti-Uniform Parts. Bulletin of the Section of Logic, 45(3/4), 199–211.



Research Article