Morphology of the permanent dentition of early medieval human group from Cedynia


  • Maria Kaczmarek



The cemetery wherefrom a material for this study originates is located at small town Cedynia (Szczecin voivodeship) and can be dated at 10th through 12th century A.D. The material comprised 209 adult crania (85 male, 88 female and 36 of undiagnosed sex). In these skulls 1847 teeth were preserved in their sockets. Descriptive traits of dentition observed were following: shovel-shaped incisors, reduction of upper lateral incisors, patterns on occlusal surfaces of molars, compression of upper second molar and interroot extensions of enamel. Basic odontometric measurements were also taken (M-Dcor, B-Lcor ). Measurements were taken in situ, on the night side of dental arcade, to the nearest 0.1 mm, Among all observed characteristics sexual dimorphism has been found only with respect to tooth size. Elaboration of the data collected (see tables in the text for statistical characteristics) allows one to conclude that in the ‘majority of characteristics investigated dentition of the group examined is similar to modem populationis.


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How to Cite

Kaczmarek, M. (1980). Morphology of the permanent dentition of early medieval human group from Cedynia. Anthropological Review, 46(2), 263–276.




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