Acceleration of Growth and Secular Trend Among Young People in Wrocław


  • Zofia Ignasiak Katedra Morfologii Funkcjonalnej, Zakład Anatomii, Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego, Witelona 25, 51-617 Wrocław
  • Teresa Sławińska Katedra Morfologii Funkcjonalnej, Zakład Anatomii, Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego, Witelona 25,51-617 Wrocław



Research materials are taken from longitudinal studies of children in Wroclaw. The measurements were carried out nineteen years apart. Children between the ages 8-15 were studied. Height and body mass were analized, as well as the Rohrer index and the thickness of three skinfolds.


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How to Cite

Ignasiak, Z., & Sławińska, T. (1993). Acceleration of Growth and Secular Trend Among Young People in Wrocław. Anthropological Review, 56(1-2), 109–113.




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