Anthropology and physical culture


  • Zbigniew Drozdowski



The interrelation between physical culture and anthropological problems has been shown against th e background of the general tasks of physical culture. It was assumed that the physical culture is a set of stimuli which form the biological value of human population, remove the negative results of the style of our life and work, and also counteract them and contribute to the acceleration of the regeneration process of h um an biological forces and creative abilities. In the realization of Che tasks of physical culture, anthropology is cooperating and particularly its specialistic division: sports anthropology. It deals with the investigation of morphological conditionings of human physical activity, morphological changes (also the biorythmical character of this process) taking place in human organism in time and under the influence of the performance of different forms of physical activity having both the character of physical exercises or sports training as well as professional work.


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How to Cite

Drozdowski, Z. (1986). Anthropology and physical culture. Anthropological Review, 52(1-2), 69–74.




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