Is maternal smoking harmful to the physical growth of offspring at early childhood?


  • Maria Kaczmarek Adam Mickiewicz University, Institute of Anthropology, Fredry 10, 61-701 Poznań
  • Dorota Młyńska Adam Mickiewicz University, Institute of Anthropology, Fredry 10, 61-701 Poznań



The effect of maternal smoking on birth weight of their babies, the effects of smoking during lactation and in the post-weaning period on growth in height and weight of children up to the age of 7 years were investigated. The sample consisted of 1511 children (778 boys and 733 girls) examined at two follow-up studies in May and December 1997. Retrospective data on birth-weight, height and weight up to the present investigation were available from the child’s health record book. The results of the investigation revealed more frequent occurrence of lower birth-weight among children born to mothers smoking during pregnancy than among those born to non-smokers. Similar results were also gained for children in the pre-school period.


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How to Cite

Kaczmarek, M., & Młyńska, D. (1999). Is maternal smoking harmful to the physical growth of offspring at early childhood?. Anthropological Review, 62, 17–24.




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