Misje wybranych banków z perspektywy koncepcji CSR
https://doi.org/10.18778/1899-2226.19.3.12Słowa kluczowe:
corporate social responsibility, mission, bankingAbstrakt
The way of functioning of commercial banks remained unchanged over the years – from the institutions involved in the distribution of financial products and services turned into organizations aspiring to the title of socially responsible entities. This means that its activities include the interests of many groups, such as customers, employees, shareholders, local communities and contractors. The result is those banks that want to be recognized as socially responsible, take numerous initiatives in areas not related to the sale, such as protection of the environment, voluntary or society. The directions of banks’ activity are determined by the key values, formulated in the mission, which defines the core of the organization and lets them stand out from the competitors. Institutions socially responsible also in this area should take into account the concept of CSR by pointing to various interest groups and taking various forms of activity. The aim of the publication is to analyse the content of the missions of selected commercial banks from the perspective of the various levels of responsibility and groups of interest. The article hypothesized that not all of the analysed commercial banks include in their missions the idea of corporate social responsibility, and those that do are limited to specific areas of action and specific stakeholder groups. The analysis was conducted on the basis of the contents available on the websites of the 10 largest financial institutions in Poland in terms of assets.Bibliografia
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