The Christian Vision of Alter-globalization. The Contribution of the World Council of Churches


  • Piotr Kopiec The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Ecumenical Institute



World Council of Churches, ecumenism, alter-globalization, globalization


The World Council of Churches (WCC) is the biggest and the most impactful ecumenical organization. It considers itself to be an area where Christians from all corners of the world meet. Yet apart from theological dialogue, from the very beginning the WCC has emphasized its social commitment. It is manifested in the in-depth reflection on social and political issues, in various programmes which fight against social problems, and in the contribution to the global debate on the future of the world. For two decades, theologians from the WCC have acknowledged that economic and cultural globalization are fundamental challenges for the world. In their opinion, globalization results in increasing poverty, particularly in the countries of the Global South, and in various social and political crises across the world. In order to face the threats related to globalization, they promote its different nature, one employing technological progress as well as an increase of social awareness concerning globalization. In the perspective of the WCC, Christianity, and the ecumenical movement in particular, has an inalienable task to inspire a new order in the globalizing world.


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How to Cite

Kopiec, P. (2017). The Christian Vision of Alter-globalization. The Contribution of the World Council of Churches. Annales. Ethics in Economic Life, 20(3), 69–80.


