What Does Theology Have to Say to the Economy? Some Moral-Theological Remarks on Economic Activity


  • ks. Jacek Kacprzak Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne w Łodzi




theology, moral theology, Bible, economy


Is theology able to communicate anything to the economy at all? Would not it be an invasion to an autonomous field of knowledge capable to organize economic activity of man according to its internal rules? However, when asking the economic question of how to satisfy material needs, one cannot ultimately avoid another question – an ethical one – of what the purpose of satisfying those needs is. What is man really looking for? Theology, on the plane of faith and reason, tries to find answers to these fundamental, ultimate questions asked by human beings, who are nowadays often tired of searching for happiness in satisfying the short-term and often artificially created new and new needs. A theologian in his research listens first of all to the word that God pronounces to man. This word, contained in the Bible, sets out the basic lines of the dignity of man, his tasks and the ultimate goal of his existence, which is to achieve full humanity and maturity, namely happiness in God. Only in such a perspective, which goes beyond the mundane, one can properly evaluate every action of man, giving it a rightful place in the whole of his existence. Specific issues relating to man’s economic activity, as described in the Bible, invariably refer to this overall dimension of his existence and his ultimate fulfilment in God as the guarantor of order and the source of life. Hence, any human activity which ignores the structure of that order, planned by the Creator, appears to be disordered and, consequently, leads to the destruction of man himself.


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How to Cite

Kacprzak, ks. J. (2015). What Does Theology Have to Say to the Economy? Some Moral-Theological Remarks on Economic Activity. Annales. Ethics in Economic Life, 18(2), 67–80. https://doi.org/10.18778/1899-2226.18.2.05


