The Ethical Dimension of AIDS/HIV Outspreading in the World – Problem’s Outline




AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome), HIV infection, globalization, ethical dilemma


AIDS is an example of the global threat. In my article I would like to present the most important ethical dilemmas related to global outspreading of AIDS/HIV epidemic in the world and also make an attempt of finding a possible solution. I assume that the dilemmas could be described in three basic dimensions: The first discussed ethical problem is related to treating sick people by the healthy people. We observe the discrimination of people suffering from AIDS/HIV and it stands in opposition to Christianity and Church which commands to accept sick people, to respect and help them. The second discussed aspect concerns ethical challenges that modern medicine must face regarding the outspread of AIDS and HIV. On one hand, medical stuff who have contact with blood must incessantly confront their fear of infection with duty of helping people and providing medical care. On the other hand, medical professionals may encounter the moral dilemma how to keep medical records in secret and protect interests of people who are exposed to infection. The last important ethical dimension of global AIDS epidemic and other civilisation illnesses, which has been recently observed, is the polarization of the world in the field of health.


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How to Cite

Jołkiewicz, D. (2009). The Ethical Dimension of AIDS/HIV Outspreading in the World – Problem’s Outline. Annales. Ethics in Economic Life, 12(2), 55–64.


