Local Self-Government as a Civilizational Value


  • Michał Kasiński Salezjańska Wyższa Szkoła Ekonomii i Zarządzania, Łódź; Uniwersytet Łódzki




self-government, Europe, values


The core of the local self-government stems from the Western (Latin) civilization values. European Nations have always fought for the qualities and perseverance of local self government. Currently it is considered an attribute of local democracy, although in the European tradition it has long been related to the pluralist values of social life organization. The communes; freedom, and their independence from the local government have been derived from natural law and seen as a condition for a healthy social system. Contemporarily, local self-government as a law and ability for local communities to manage a range of public matters independently, has been anew recognized as a social system value in uniting Europe. Yet there have also revived certain historical threats to the local selfgovernment arisen from central and local bureaucracy, particularism, and bribing local power elites. In such case, the fight for a local government that complies with Latin civilizational values acquires a special meaning.



How to Cite

Kasiński, M. (2008). Local Self-Government as a Civilizational Value. Annales. Ethics in Economic Life, 11(2), 205–216. https://doi.org/10.18778/1899-2226.11.2.21


