Amartya Kumar Sen’s ethical interpretation of poverty


  • Damian Szymczak University of Lodz, Faculty of Economics and Sociology, Department of History of Economic Thought and Economic History


Słowa kluczowe:

poverty, development, Amartya Sen


On the threshold of the 21st century, the problem of poverty remains unresolved. Many still suffer from hunger, and many more have no access to running water, or education. This raises a fundamental question that has bothered economy researchers for centuries: What determines the wealth of some countries, and the poverty of others? One of the contemporary researchers analysing the causes of poverty and development barriers is Indian economist Amartya Kumar Sen. Referring to the socio-economic theory of Sen, the author indicates that modernity implies the need for reflection on the definition of poverty. The author attempts to justify the thesis which focuses on the discord between the evaluation concepts of good and evil with objective economic factors defining poverty. The author suggests that the definition of poverty should be grounded in considerations concerning good and evil in a specific time, as well as cultural and historical context.


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Jak cytować

Szymczak, D. (2019). Amartya Kumar Sen’s ethical interpretation of poverty. Annales. Etyka W Życiu Gospodarczym, 20(6), 157–169.


