Cultural competences in health care


  • Paweł Przyłęcki Uniwersytet Medyczny w Łodzi, Zakład Socjologii



culture, health care, cultural competence, cultural intelligence, cultural competence models


Poland, due to accession to the European Union, is becoming a country that is more and more culturally diverse. This has an impact on many spheres of social life, including medical care. Patients from minority groups pose a challenge to the medical community due to, on the one hand, language problems and, on the other hand, cultural differences that affect the treatment process. In Western countries, already in the 1950s, measures were implemented to develop culturally sensitive medical care. It took place on many levels, one of which was educating students in the field of cultural competences. In Poland, the education of medical students in this field has only recently been promoted, as has recently been conducted more widely research in the field of cultural competences in medical care. Due to the fact that this topic is still underdeveloped, especially in the context of medical care, the aim of this article was to present the very concept of cultural competence and its understanding in the context of medical care. In addition, the main reasons for educating future healthcare workers were indicated, showing cultural problems that arise in the case of contact between practitioners and a patient from a minority group. Models of shaping cultural competences were also discussed.


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How to Cite

Przyłęcki, P. (2019). Cultural competences in health care. Władza Sądzenia, (16), 8–27.




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