The Slavic mythology world in terms of a fairy tale. The strategy of translating name Bjesomar based on the work of Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić
Slavic mythology, children’s literature in translation, proper name in translation, Ivana Brlić-MažuranićAbstract
The article is on the subject of literary onomastics – one onimu is an example of three methods presented for translating names depending on the adopted ideas. The choice of method is particularly important because this literature is directed to children who perceive literary texts in a specific way, hence the importance of the selection of an appropriate translation strategy. An important factor to be taken into account during the process of translation is also the author and his intentions. Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić in 1916 released a collection of fairy tales inspired by Slavic mythology and the Pan-Slavic idea. In view of these various factors we can therefore take into account the different techniques that have been demonstrated in the article.
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