Reviews and Interviews / Contributors


  • Agnieszka Salska University of Łódź
  • Richard Profozich University of Łódź
  • Grzegorz Kość University of Łódź
  • Teresa Podemska-Abt University of South Australia
  • Jared Thomas University of South Australia
  • Alison Jasper University of Stirling
  • Pamela Anderson University of Oxford



Tributes to Professor Andrzej Kopcewicz - Agnieszka Salska

New Media Effects on Traditional News Sources: A Review of the State of American Newspapers - Richard Profozich

Review of The Body, ed. by Ilona Dobosiewicz and Jacek Gutorow - Grzegorz Kość

“Taste good iny?”: Images of and from Australian Indigenous Literature - Jared Thomas Speaks with Teresa Podemska-Abt

Engaging the “Forbidden Texts” of Philosophy - Pamela Sue Anderson Talks to Alison Jasper


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Author Biographies

Agnieszka Salska, University of Łódź

Agnieszka Salska is the author of Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson: Poetry of the Central Consciousness (University of Pennsylvania Press, 1985). She wrote the chapter on Dickinson’s letters for The Emily Dickinson Handbook (University of Massachusetts Press, 1998), published numerous articles, mostly on American poetry, and is one of the authors as well as editor-in-chief of a two-volume history of twentieth-century American literature for Polish readers (Universitas, 2003). Dr Salska retired from the Department of American Literature and Culture at the Institute of English Studies, University of Łódź where she taught courses in American literature and served as Chair. She also served as President of the Polish Association for American Studies from 1990 to 1996.

Richard Profozich, University of Łódź

Richard Profozich is a lecturer at the Department of American Literature and Culture, University of Łódź, Poland. His recent articles include “New Media: Internet Effects on American News Reporting” in Tools of Their Tools: Communication Technologies and American Cultural Practice, eds. Grzegorz Kość and Krzysztof Majer (Cambridge Scholars, 2009), “The Commercialism of American Media” in The Media and International Communication, eds. B. Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk, T. Płudowski, and D.V. Tanno (Lang, 2007).

Grzegorz Kość, University of Łódź

Grzegorz Kość teaches at the English Institute, University of Łódź and at the American Studies Center, University of Warsaw. He published Robert Lowell: Uncomfortable Epigone of the Grands Maîtres (Lang, 2005) and co-edited, together with Krzysztof Majer, Tools of Their Tools (Cambridge Scholars, 2009). Kość has written on modernist and recent American poetry, on American photography and portraiture. He is working on a book on Robert Frost and the body politic.

Teresa Podemska-Abt, University of South Australia

Teresa Podemska-Abt is a PhD candidate at the University of South Australia, School of International Studies. She also holds MA, BEd & MEd (course work) degrees from Universities of Wrocław and Adelaide. She has published two books on Aboriginal culture in Australia, as well as articles, essays, poems and interviews. Connecting Literatures (on Australian Indigenous Literature) is her work in progress.

Jared Thomas, University of South Australia

Jared Thomas is a Nukunu man of the Southern Flinders Ranges. He works extensively in the arts. A lecturer at the University of South Australia, he teaches visual art, communication and literature. His novel Sweet Guy was shortlisted for the 2009 South Australian People’s Choice Awards for Literature. Initially beginning his writing career as a playwright, his work Flash Red Ford toured Uganda and Kenya in 1999 and his play Love, Land and Money featured during the 2002 Adelaide Fringe Festival. He is soon to graduate with a PhD from Adelaide University and his two new novels are just about to be released.

Alison Jasper, University of Stirling

Alison Jasper is Lecturer in Religion in the School of Languages, Cultures and Religions at the University of Stirling, Scotland. She is the author of The Shining Garment of the Text: Gendered Readings of John’s Prologue (Sheffield Academic Press, 1998). Her recent article is “Contesting Memory: Maude Royden, a Case Study in Female Genius” in New Topics in Feminist Philosophy of Religion, ed. Pamela Sue Anderson (Springer, 2010). A book on the subject will be appearing in 2012. She is the reviews editor of the international journal, Literature and Theology, published by Oxford University Press.

Pamela Anderson, University of Oxford

Pamela Sue Anderson is Reader in Philosophy of Religion, University of Oxford, and Fellow in Philosophy, Regent’s Park College, Oxford, UK. Anderson has D. Phil from the University of Oxford and an honorary doctorate from Lund University, Sweden. Anderson’s publications include Ricoeur and Kant (1993), A Feminist Philosophy of Religion: The Rationality and Myths of Religious Belief (1998), New Topics in Feminist Philosophy of Religion: Contestations and Transcendence Incarnate (2010) and her recently completed, Gendering Philosophy of Religion: Reason, Love and Our Epistemic Locatedness (2011). Her ongoing project is In Dialogue with Michèle Le Doeuff.


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How to Cite

Salska, . A., Profozich, R., Kość, G., Podemska-Abt, T., Thomas, J., Jasper, A., & Anderson, P. (2011). Reviews and Interviews / Contributors. Text Matters: A Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture, (1), 281–335.