Editorial Instructions

Download the Text Matters stylesheet

All submissions should be sent to the official address of Text Matters, text.matters@uni.lodz.pl

Successive themed issues of Text Matters are advertised on the journal website which also contains instructions for authors. The journal welcomes original, unpublished articles, reviews and interviews from all parts of the world.

Multiple submissions are not considered, so please send only one manuscript at a time. Do not send a second submission until you have heard about the first.

The journal reserves the right to immediately reject the texts that are popular rather than informed by academic expertise. Text Matters does not accept submissions in poor English or submissions that do not conform to Text Matters style sheet. All the submissions are screened in order to prevent plagiarism, ghost writing and other kinds of malpractice. Only then are contributions handed over to external reviewers.

Contributions are peer-reviewed by two external reviewers (double-blind reviews). The final decision is made by the editors-in-chief assisted in the process by members of the editorial board responsible for a particular field.