The Evangelical-Augsburg Cemetery in Pabianice – history and analysis of artistic values


  • Dominika Gwarda Uniwersytet Łódzki, absolwentka Instytutu Historii Sztuki



Cemetery, Lutherans, Evangelical-Augsburg, Pabianice, Krusche, Ender, Kindler


The Evangelical-Augsburg Cemetery in Pabianice was founded in the beginnings of the Lutheran parish. Lutherans were founders of the textile industry and they contributed to development of the city. Their cemetery is a place of eternal rest for the members of the wealthiest families of Pabianice. Their social status and fortune is visibly reflected on their graves. The gravemarkers have high artistic values and were made by best sculptural companies and acclaimed artists – such as Johannes Schilling, the professor of Fine Arts Academy from Dresden, who created the statue of Christ on the grave of Krusche family. Most of the realizations were made by local companies and most of the gravemarkers with signatures were made by company of Antoni Urbanowski and Fiebigier & Frantz from Łódź. This is a reason why we can find some identical gravemarkers on the cemetery on Ogrodowa street in the near city. In the Lutheran cemetery there are realisations of most popular themes and styles in sepulchral art of XIX and XX century and many types of gravemarkers such as stellas, cippuses, aediculas, broken columns, obelisks or the most popular – simple or stylized crosses. Even though they were often designed for serial production, they are still beautiful piece of craft and important sign of the past.


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How to Cite

Gwarda, D. (2019). The Evangelical-Augsburg Cemetery in Pabianice – history and analysis of artistic values. TECHNE. Seria Nowa, (4), 95–118.


