Panorama of research into embroidery patterns functioning in Mexico


  • Alejandra Mayela Flores Enríquez Universidad Iberoamericana México, Meksyk image/svg+xml



embroidery patterns, women’s art, Mexico, embroidery art


In Mexico, primarily during the 19th century, production of embroidery designs was a popular activity among young girls. Objects which reflected reproducibility of some of the ornaments and methods of creation, became patterns demonstrating types of embroidery techniques. They have been subject of numerous studies, especially in historical, ethnographic, archaeological or restoration-related contexts. This allowed for distinguishing the main concepts that led to devising schemes which designated a former approach to the subject. This article reviews various research concepts that have shaped reflection on embroidery patterns in Mexico, including foreign studies. It also proposes an art history approach, allowing for new findings and possibilities for analysing those objects being elements of material culture. Women who dealt with development of patterns may be seen as artists, the masters of their profession, whose virtuosity was manifested in the class of the objects themselves as a result of devoted time and extraordinary manual skill.


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How to Cite

Flores Enríquez, A. M. (2023). Panorama of research into embroidery patterns functioning in Mexico. TECHNE. Seria Nowa, 1(11), 77–96.


