Furniture exhibitions in Poland 1945–1989. Systematics, reconstruction of assumptions, implementation analysis
exhibition, furniture, interior architecture, design, PRLAbstract
Until 1989, in post-war Poland, several dozen exhibitions presenting furniture and interior design took place. Individual shows focused, as if in a lens, the trends present in Polish design; they were an arena for exchanging ideas between designers and producers, and they gave Poles the opportunity to learn about foreign industrial production. The message prepared by exhibition organizers and the types of narratives created around these events are the subject of this article, and its purpose is to show the exhibition strategies of various entities.
The introduced division distinguishes four types of exhibitions: jubilee shows, competition presentations, shows of employees and students’ works organized by universities, cyclical presentations of the furniture industry at the Poznań International Fair. Another type of division of furniture exhibitions in the communist period can be made while distinguishing artistic and social shows.
For a deeper analysis, three well-documented exhibitions of Polish design and two groups of shows were selected: those which common denominator is the place where objects were presented, i.e. small apartments in blocks of flats, and exhibitions of foreign design.
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Funding data
Narodowe Centrum Nauki
Grant numbers 2020/39/O/HS2/01917