Return to tradition in interior design around 1910 on the example of the works of Henryk Uziembła




Henryk Uziembło, furniture, interior design, cinema, theater


This text is a presentation of secular interiors designed by Henryk Uziembła in the first two decades of the 20th century. Projects such as a music salon at the Dłuski sanatorium in Kościelisko, the interior of the Uciecha cinema in Kraków, the Bagatela Theater in Kraków, the Krakowski Hotel in Lviv and others have been included in the trend in interior design, which we can call “looking back”. This trend was especially visible in interior design in France and Austria. It was characterized by a combination of various inspirations, incl. Louis XVI style, classicism, empire, orient, folk art. It allowed for creative freedom, experimenting with colors, forms and styles. The style was characterized by intense and contrasting colors used in the decoration of walls, furniture and upholstery. The trend made it possible to give a place an atmosphere emphasizing its function or referring to the past of this place.


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How to Cite

Wójcik, A. (2021). Return to tradition in interior design around 1910 on the example of the works of Henryk Uziembła. TECHNE. Seria Nowa, (8), 105–120.


