An environmentally friendly monument - possibilities of using pro-ecological solutions in theory and practice. Outline of the problem




environmental protection, monument protection, ecology


The problem of climate change and the effects it may cause has resulted in European Union inducing top-down planning of practical measures to prevent these changes. Attempts to introduce pro-ecological solutions are also visible among the historic buildings. These activities are not standardised, and currently the protection of monuments faces the challenge of introducing changes in the theory of conservation. An opportunity to standardize pro-ecological solutions used within historic buildings is the project of standards for conservation procedures prepared by the National Heritage Board of Poland, including the issuance of permits for photovoltaic installations in historic buildings, in their surroundings and in protected areas.

This article answers the questions: is it possible to protect the climate by protecting monuments, or are the issues of generating renewable energy and the protection of historic buildings treated as equal social interests in accordance to the sustainable development policy? In order to answer these questions, it is necessary to first analyze the applicable law and determine to what extent the conservation theory allows the use of pro-ecological solutions in historic buildings. The analysis of legal provisions and jurisprudence is complemented by the presentation of the results of interviews with architects offering design services in historic buildings (seven persons) and officials of the Voivodship Office for the Protection of Monuments in Łódź (three persons).

It should be borne in mind that historic properties are a part of special cultural resource that should be taken care of. Taking care of the environment in the context of climate change is equally important, but planning pro-ecological activities cannot be put in opposition to the preservation of cultural heritage.


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How to Cite

Schatt-Babińska, K. (2022). An environmentally friendly monument - possibilities of using pro-ecological solutions in theory and practice. Outline of the problem. TECHNE. Seria Nowa, (10), 161–180.


