The Clergy during the Fourth Crusade as Portrayed in Geoffrey de Villehardouin’s Chronicle


  • Zdzisław Pentek Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Faculty of History image/svg+xml



clergy of the Fourth Crusade, Constantinople, Geoffrey of Villehardouin


An article analysing information about the clerics during the Fourth Crusade mentioned by the chronicler of this expedition, Geoffrey of Villehardouin († c. 1219), in the Old French chronicle La conquête de Constantinople. The author has distinguished three types of clerics, participants in the crusade, and traced mentions thereof in the work and the opinions about them.


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How to Cite

Pentek, Z. (2023). The Clergy during the Fourth Crusade as Portrayed in Geoffrey de Villehardouin’s Chronicle. Studia Ceranea, 13, 643–651.




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