Socio-Economic Costs of Systemic Transformation in Ukraine in the Lens of the Biographical Experiences of Ukrainian Female Migrants to Poland




Migration from Ukraine, Poland, Transformation, Quality of Life


The aim of this article is to discuss the socio-economic costs of the post 1990 transformation process in Ukraine resulting in the chronic feeling of discontent with one’s life, which results in the individuals and whole families’ decisions to migrate. I analyse the factors which account for the individuals’ subjective perceptions of their life situations and how they manifest themselves in the biographical experiences of the Ukrainian female migrants to Poland after 1989.


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Author Biography

Anna Dolińska, University of Warsaw, Poland

Anna Dolińska obtained an MA at the Institute of English Studies, and is a PhD candidate at the Institute of Sociology, where she is preparing a dissertation on the mobility of highly-skilled female migrants from the post-Soviet countries to Poland after 1989. Her research interests encompass the topics of migration, labour mobility, post-socialism, gender regimes, stereotypes, human rights, identity, biographical perspectives, and oral history.


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How to Cite

Dolińska, A. (2019). Socio-Economic Costs of Systemic Transformation in Ukraine in the Lens of the Biographical Experiences of Ukrainian Female Migrants to Poland. Qualitative Sociology Review, 15(4), 140–160.