Passions, Travel, and Cultural Participation—Intergenerational Transmission of Middle-Class Lifestyles




Lifestyle, Middle Class, Intergenerational Transmission, Reanalysis, Revisit


The article addresses the intergenerational transmission of a middle-class lifestyle in Poland. The analysis demonstrates mechanisms through which cultural practices are inherited in the context of leisure activities. The following categories of leisure activities were identified as being of particular interest: 1) passions, that is, the most pronounced leisure interests, including sport, 2) travel, 3) various forms of cultural participation, such as reading, visual and performing arts, or audiovisual content. The innovative research plan included reanalysis, revisits, and new in-depth interviews. The findings are based on a substantial corpus of qualitative empirical material, comprising 66 individual in-depth interviews. This material covers interviews conducted approximately twenty years before my research, new interviews with the same participants conducted subsequently, and interviews with their adult children. The aforementioned methodological procedures permitted comparisons over time and between generations. Middle-class parents proactively transmit values and practices to their children that are instrumental in maintaining their children’s social status. The effort to format lifestyle messages has significant implications for the long-term viability of this social structure segment in Poland. The analyses conducted indicate the cultural identity of the middle class and the stability of values and practices enacted in non-work and non-educational leisure time. Consequently, they are expected to yield tangible benefits in the professional and educational domains for subsequent generations. This represents the anticipated return on investment in leisure time for middle-class children.


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Author Biography

Magdalena Bielińska, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland

Magdalena Bielińska is a sociologist and social researcher. Since 2006, she has been involved in the activities of several NGOs. Since 2013, she has cooperated with the Qualitative Data Archive of the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IFiS PAN). Since 2024, she has been a member of the Open Science Platform team of the Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling of the University of Warsaw (ICM UW). She is enthusiastic about scientific openness, sharing and reusing research data, and research revisits. Her academic and research interests include: the lifestyles of Poles, identity in postmodernity, social structure, social mechanisms of middle-class formation, and the methodology of social research. She is the head of the research project entitled Transformations of Polish Middle-Class Lifestyle—Twenty Years Later. Mechanisms of Intergenerational Transmission of Lifestyle (NCN grant no. 2018/29/N/HS6/00958), conducted at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences.


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How to Cite

Bielińska, M. (2025). Passions, Travel, and Cultural Participation—Intergenerational Transmission of Middle-Class Lifestyles. Qualitative Sociology Review, 21(1), 74–99.




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