Unexplored Realities in Qualitative Research





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Author Biography

Florian Elliker, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland

Dr. Florian Elliker is a Senior Lecturer in Sociology at the University of St. Gallen (Switzerland). His publications and research projects deal with populism, experiences of precarity and marginalization, the use of consciousness-altering substances, the sociology of knowledge approach to discourse ethnography, and qualitative methods and methodology. With Niklaus Reichle, he organized the conference “Unexplored Realities,” at which most of the articles in the thematic section of this issue were presented as keynote addresses. He is the former coordinator of the ESA research network 20 Qualitative Methods.


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How to Cite

Elliker, F. (2022). Unexplored Realities in Qualitative Research. Qualitative Sociology Review, 18(4), 6–16. https://doi.org/10.18778/1733-8077.18.4.01




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