Biography, Media Consumption, And Identity Formation


  • Larry Strelitz Rhodes University, South Africa



Media consumption, Identity formation, Biography, Narrative interview, South African youth


This paper proposes that the biographical or narrative interview is an important method in exploring the relationship of media consumption to identity formation. The paper takes issue with those theorists who place media consumption at the centre of identity formation processes. Rather, in line with the work of British social theorist John Tomlinson, the paper argues the need to see the relationship between media and culture, in the process of identity formation, as an interplay of mediations between cultureas-lived-experienced and culture-as-representation. On the one hand we have the media, representing the dominant representational aspect of modern culture while on the other we have the lived experience of culture which includes the discursive interaction of families and friends and the ‘material-existential’ experiences of routine life. Our media consumption choices and the meanings we take from the media are shaped by these lived cultural experiences while the media we consume also impacts on how we make sense of these experiences. The paper argues that the narrative or biographical interview is a useful way to explore this interplay of mediations in the process of identity formation.


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Author Biography

Larry Strelitz, Rhodes University, South Africa

Larry Strelitz is a Professor of Media Studies and Deputy-Dean of the Faculty of Humanities at Rhodes University in South Africa. Prof Strelitz’s interest is in media reception and much of his recent work examines the reception of global media by South African youth audiences. He is currently researching the rapid growth of tabloid newspapers in South Africa. His work has been published primarily in local and international Media Studies journals.


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How to Cite

Strelitz, L. (2008). Biography, Media Consumption, And Identity Formation. Qualitative Sociology Review, 4(2), 63–82.


