A Qualitative Analysis of the Lived Experiences of a Small Group of Filipino Immigrants


  • Karen Thomas-Brown University of Michigan-Dearborn, U.S.A.
  • Annalie L. Campos Oakland University, U.S.A.




Lived Experiences, Citizenship/s, Belonging, Im/migration, Filipino Immigrants


Demographers have forecasted that the U.S. is rapidly moving closer to becoming a majority-minority country, this fact and the politically divisive nature of recent debates and attempts at immigration reform have fostered increased conversations about citizenship, diversity, assimilation/s, and other im/ migration discourses. Often these dialogues surround boarder-crossings and the political, economic, and social implications of im/migration. One unfortunate outcome is frequently the perpetuation of stereotypes and the “othering” of many migrant groups to which this research offers a counter narrative. This counter narrative is built on the lived citizenship of a small group of Filipino im/migrants in the U.S. The paper demonstrates that—contextually—working abroad is common practice in the Philippines; this phenomenon is woven into the political, social, and economic jurisdictions of the country. This research fills one gap in im/migration studies as it chronicles the stories of these Filipino im/ migrants while examining their perceptions about their identity, sense of belonging, right to place, and the legitimacy of their citizenship socio-culturally. The paper places these and other narratives from this group of im/migrants within the theoretical framework of Critical Theory, hence offering a voice to a group of individuals not frequently heard in academia.


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Author Biographies

Karen Thomas-Brown, University of Michigan-Dearborn, U.S.A.

Dr. Karen Thomas-Brown is an Associate Professor at the University of Michigan-Dearborn in the College of Education, Health, and Human Services, Department of Education. She is a Commonwealth Scholar who received her PhD in Geography from the University of the West Indies. Her research interests span from the development of secondary towns in developing countries, globalization, multiculturalism, gender studies, global local dynamics, geographic literacy, and urban development and planning.

Annalie L. Campos, Oakland University, U.S.A.

Dr. Annalie L. Campos is a Lecturer in the International Studies Program at Oakland University in Rochester Hills, Michigan. Her teaching interests include courses in spatial organization of human systems, cities and regions, and methods in geographic research. Dr. Campos has research interests in sense of community and its influence on social and health outcomes and civic engagement, community health and well-being, and more recently the mobility patterns, identity, and local acculturation processes of immigrants.


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How to Cite

Thomas-Brown, K., & Campos, A. L. (2016). A Qualitative Analysis of the Lived Experiences of a Small Group of Filipino Immigrants. Qualitative Sociology Review, 12(1), 114–141. https://doi.org/10.18778/1733-8077.12.1.06


