'Ultra vires' review – a deflection of the integration or a guarantee of its permanence?





ultra vires review, constitutional identity, the primacy of the EU law, preliminary ruling, constitutional pluralism


This article presents the sources of ultra vires review. It follows the evolution of this doctrine by the example of some European Union’s Member States and compares their approach towards European integration. Some of the Member States’ arguments may lead to balancing various interests. Others indicate a will to choose only the preferred obligations.


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2024-04-17 — Updated on 2024-06-13


How to Cite

Bober, L. (2024). ’Ultra vires’ review – a deflection of the integration or a guarantee of its permanence?. Paragraf. Studia Z Prawa I Administracji, (4), 15–28. https://doi.org/10.18778/2956-3747.4.02 (Original work published April 17, 2024)


