The Parodic Novel „My Uncle” by N. G. Kuzmich and Pushkin’s Novel in Verse „Eugene Onegin”
Alexander Pushkin, „Eugene Onegin”, „My uncle”, „Lodzinskiy listok”, N.G. KuzmichAbstract
The article is devoted to a reworking of Pushkin’s novel in verse Eugene Onegin that was effected in Lodz in 1896. The work, entitled Moi dyadya [My Uncle], was penned by one N. G. Kuzmich (which probably was a pseudonym) and published in „Lodzinskiy listok”, a Russian-language newspaper issued in Lodz. The parodic novel is set in Lodz, and its protagonists are: the uncle, Tatiana and Evgeny. The piece offers a reflection of the realities of the industrial Lodz of the 19th century, as well as hints at Pushkin’s famous work.
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