Venus de Milo in the works of Russian writers of the 19th century: dichotomy of the material and the spiritual
Statue of Venus de Milo, key images of art, beauty, spiritual/material dichotomyAbstract
The statue of Venus de Milo can be considered one of the key images of art, i.e. such works which have become carriers of universal meanings for the European culture or for national ones. Descriptions of Venus de Milo have often featured in Russian literature, in travel sketches and memoirs of Russian travellers, as evidenced by works of Pyotr Kudryavtsev, Afanasy Fet, Ivan Turgenev, Gleb Uspensky or Fyodor Dostoyevsky. The statue of the ancient goddess embodies the binary opposition of the material and the spiritual and presents a characteristic ideal of beauty as an organic unity of these principles.
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