To the cinema or to the theater? Regional press as a source for research on selected aspects of cultural life in Tarnów in the interwar period


  • Ewelina Kawa Uniwersytet Rzeszowski



regional press, sources, cultural life, Tarnów, interwar period


The cognitive value of the regional press remains high level by coverage and commenting on causes close to the society. The article is an attempt to reconstruct the cultural life of the citizens of Tarnów. This perspective was sketched on the basis of the assessment of the society’s activity during cultural events. The key to explaining this phenomenon were materials in the State Archives in Krakow, a branch in Tarnów and also available in the Federation of Digital Libraries. The most valuable information’s was obtained from “Nasz Głos”, “Głos Ziemi Tarnowskiej” and from the weekly “Nowiny-Smok”. The lecture consists of three parts. The first one aims to outline the history of regional press in Tarnów and also to present the situation of local cinemas and theaters. The next part is the analysis of issues related to cinema, theater or other cultural events. It is necessary to look here from the point of view of the reader who, based on newspaper articles, shapes his opinion regarding the interest in culture developing in Tarnów. The last part is an attempt to summarize the press influence to the development of cultural events in the city.


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How to Cite

Kawa, E. (2019). To the cinema or to the theater? Regional press as a source for research on selected aspects of cultural life in Tarnów in the interwar period. Studia Z Historii Społeczno-Gospodarczej XIX I XX Wieku, 20, 119–136.


