Development of renewable energy in Poland in the light of the European Union climate-energy package and the renewable energy sources act


  • Magdalena Ciepielewska



climate-energy package, renewable energy sources, energy, Renewable Energy Sources Act, solar energy, wind energy, geothermal energy, biogas, biomass


The article attempted to assess the Polish legislation relating to the use of energy from renewable sources, especially as it relates to the development of renewable energy in the light of the documents imposed on Poland by the EU. It is worth noting that Poland has a very large potential for the development of renewable sources of energy, but it is little used. Forecasts carried out by various research institutes show that the greatest potential for energy had biomass and biogas, as well as wind energy. It is worth noting, that Poland has committed itself to the European Union to increase production from renewable sources by 2020, by signing the package “3x20%”. We are also committed to reduce harmful emissions of air pollution and cooperate for the protection of the environment. These activities are supported by the Renewable Energy Sources Act, which entered into force in 2015. Unfortunately this document turned out to be quite unfriendly to investors. It imposes many obligations, and potential benefits associated with the production of energy from renewable sources are imprecise and described in an obscure way. Providing a 15% share of RES in gross final energy consumption in 2020 is possible, but only if Polish government will support entrepreneurs and provide them all necessary instruments so that they can safely invest and grow their business.


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How to Cite

Ciepielewska, M. (2017). Development of renewable energy in Poland in the light of the European Union climate-energy package and the renewable energy sources act. Gospodarka W Praktyce I Teorii, 43(2), [7]-18.


