Inter‑Municipal Cooperation in Education as a Possible Remedy for Current Difficulties of Local Government in Poland


  • Aneta Kaczyńska Poznań University of Economics and Business, Institute of Finance, Department of Public Finance Poznań



inter‑municipal cooperation, education system, reform, Poland, COVID–19


The purpose of this article is to fill the existing gap and contribute to the literature in two ways: firstly, by investigating problems that caused the emergence of cooperation between two municipalities despite the administrative border at the county level, and secondly, by analysing the effects of joint provision of public education based on a case study from Poland. The case study is preceded by the use of the literature review method. The problem of possible enhancement of inter‑municipal cooperation (IMC) in Poland is proposed as a potential remedy for current difficulties that Polish local governments face after the reform of the education system and the COVID–19 pandemic, as well as due to demographic decline and budgetary challenges. Studies suggest that net benefits of cooperating are higher if IMC partners are smaller and more homogenous with respect to the quality and level of public services. The theory of exploiting economies of scale and scope was studied based on the case study of a Polish inter‑municipal union created only to provide education in two municipalities. The cooperation resulted in little positive financial effects reflected in the lower spending per pupil only in the case of primary school. However, the union caused nonfinancial benefits not only for pupils but also for parents and teachers, who are voters as well. The article concludes that inter‑municipal unions could be used especially by small and rural municipalities that struggle with the previously mentioned problems.


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How to Cite

Kaczyńska, A. (2020). Inter‑Municipal Cooperation in Education as a Possible Remedy for Current Difficulties of Local Government in Poland. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Oeconomica, 5(350), 101–125.




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