Eco-innovations of Polish enterprises – good practices on the example of GreenEvo Project – Green Technology Accelerator
innovation, eco-innovation, expenditure on R&D, GreenEvo projectAbstract
Resource-efficient economy forces the development of modern environmental products and technologies. Technology transfer and ecological innovations become an essential condition to achieve ecological aims, that is efficient material usage, restriction of emission and consumption of energy, valuable by-product recovery, and it gives opportunities of “green economy” development. The European Union has great expectations as for the dynamization of “the green economy” sector, where more efficient resource management should contribute the economic growth, creating new workplaces, and bigger competitiveness with limited costs for enterprises as well as significant benefits for health and environment, lower energy bills and new opportunities for innovations and investments.
The purpose of the article is the identification of eco-innovative potential of Polish enterprises and the analysis of its interregional diversity. The case study constitute enterprises taking part in the GreenEvo project of Ministry of Environment – Green Technology Accelerator.
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