Book Reviews


  • Ilari Karppi Tampere University (Finland)
  • Aleid E. Brouwer NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences Leeuwarden (The Netherlands)
  • Wendelin Strubelt
  • Gert-Jan Hospers Radboud University & University of Twente (The Netherlands)


A Tale of More than Two Cities: Deconstructing Sustainable Urbanity: OECD, Rethinking Urban Sprawl: Moving towards Sustainable Cities, OECD Publishing, Paris 2018, 166 pages; Nico TILLIE, Synergetic Urban Landscape Planning in Rotterdam: Liveable Low-Carbon Cities, TU Delft, Delft 2018, 284 pages; Ashley DAWSON, Extreme cities: The peril and promise of urban life in the age of climate change, Verso, New York 2019, 378 pages.

Ari-Veikko ANTTIROIKO, Wellness City, Health and Well-Being in Urban Economic Development, Palgrave Pivot, Cham 2018, 159 pages.

Alex JOHNSON, Book Towns. Forty-Five Paradises of the Printed Word, Frances Lincoln, an imprint of the Quarto Group, London 2018, 192 pages.

Rachel DODDS, Richard W. BUTLER (eds.), Overtourism: Issues, Realities and Solutions, De Gruyter, Berlin/Boston, 2019, 288 pages.


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How to Cite

Karppi, I., Brouwer, A. E., Strubelt, W., & Hospers, G.-J. (2020). Book Reviews. European Spatial Research and Policy, 27(1), 281–295. Retrieved from


