Adding value by national reporting to sustainability approaches of the local-regional level: The case of Germany


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Urban Studies, Urban Development, Sustainable Development, Sustainable Development Goals, New Urban Agenda, Germany


Global socio-environmental challenges and local impacts, global agendas, and local implementation: multi-level governance has never been more important – or more complex. To keep track of progress and the challenges in sustainable urban development, monitoring systems at all levels are at different stages of development and in need of harmonisation. In this context, national reporting can link the global level with the local one by identifying and reviewing framework conditions, and setting indicator and data standards for cities, counties, and municipalities. This raises questions about the awareness of different issues, resource imbalances and, not least, the effectiveness of standardised monitoring. This paper provides valuable insights into the lessons learned from the preparation of the first national progress report on the implementation of the New Urban Agenda. The reflections could support further governance and monitoring efforts not only at the national level but also across all levels.


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2023-12-30 — Updated on 2024-02-07


How to Cite

Peters, O., & Scheller, H. (2024). Adding value by national reporting to sustainability approaches of the local-regional level: The case of Germany. European Spatial Research and Policy, 30(2), 45–59. (Original work published December 30, 2023)


