Aging in place and elderly mobility habits: Evidence from Italian national surveys


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aging, mobility habits, aging in place, Italy


The aim of the paper is to provide an empirical framework of the ageing process in Italy, with a focus on aging in place and mobility behaviour of the elderly, as emerging from two national surveys: the “Aspects of Daily Life” survey by ISTAT and the ISFORT mobility survey. Results show that the Italian cities and towns are sufficiently age-friendly, with some improvement opportunities to be implemented. Loneliness and isolation represent a warning sign, hindering the aging in place. Finally, the study confirms that the Italian older adults use public transport only a few times, in favour of private cars.


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2023-12-30 — Updated on 2024-02-07


How to Cite

Rossi, F. (2024). Aging in place and elderly mobility habits: Evidence from Italian national surveys. European Spatial Research and Policy, 30(2), 107–131. (Original work published December 30, 2023)




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