Berman the Untranslatable




translation, Translation Studies, metalanguage, Antoine Berman, translatability


The paper deals with the translation of the discourse pertaining to the field of Translation Studies. The case study under scrutiny is the chapter entitled “A Manifestation of Translation” in The Experience of the Foreign by Antoine Berman. We examine certain translation difficulties of Berman’s discourse and, in particular, the apparent untranslatability of key concepts of his work. Our approach starts with a general analysis of the translatability of Translation Studies works, which includes a review of the metalanguage. We then expose the fundamental principles of Berman’s philosophy in order to be able to identify, in the last part of the paper, the terminological and discursive challenges implied by the translation of Berman’s discourse.


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How to Cite

Ciobâcă, C.-E. (2022). Berman the Untranslatable. E-Scripta Romanica, 10, 118–136.


