Poznań Growth Study. Sequence and rate of eruption of permanent teeth and the assessment of biological maturity


  • Maria Kaczmarek Zakład Biologii Rozwoju Człowieka, Instytut Antropologii UAM, Fredry 10, 61-701 Poznań




The paper is aimed at describing the properties of individual patterns in eruption of permanent teeth. Eruption sequences and eruption rates of 28 permanent teeth (except the third molars) were analysed in a longitudinal study of 284 boys and 270 girls bom in 1980 and living in Poznań. All children shared a distinct pattern of sequence polymorphisms in terms of location and number. They also differed in eruption rates as a result of variation in maturation. The results obtained provides an additional information about the eruption of permanent teeth to the classical cross sectional standards.


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How to Cite

Kaczmarek, M. (1995). Poznań Growth Study. Sequence and rate of eruption of permanent teeth and the assessment of biological maturity. Anthropological Review, 58, 9–31. https://doi.org/10.18778/1898-6773.58.03




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