Stosunek do przeciwników politycznych w kampaniach wyborczych – próba oceny etycznej
DOI:łowa kluczowe:
election, political culture, discreditation, sociotechnics, political alienationAbstrakt
The election campaigns in Poland have become oriented to the still more extent on fighting back the political opponents. Only seldom we can watch skirmishes about programmes and battles with the use of substantial arguments. Instead, we observe more and more mutual accusations, personal reproaches and attempts of slandering the opponent using unethical methods. The attitude of one politician to another assumed quite special features both on the level of verbal behaviour and their attitudes. Almost in every election campaign since the year 1989 the voters have had the occasions to observe the behaviours of politicians which were far from the moral standards and which significantly lowered the level of political culture in Poland. Since a few years rival discreditations, intrigues, announcing untrue information about opponents and creation of media facts have dominated during the election battles. Occurrences of such type are crucial for political alienation among the citizens and contribute to preservation of a negative picture of the politics itself as a sort of dishonest and immoral activity. Various methods of depreciation of opponents are still more and more willingly used. This paper will discuss selected behaviours of political competitors towards each other; also an attempt will be undertaken to assess those behaviours from the ethics’ point of view.Pobrania
Jak cytować
Walerjan, B. (2008). Stosunek do przeciwników politycznych w kampaniach wyborczych – próba oceny etycznej. Annales. Etyka W Życiu Gospodarczym, 11(2), 153–160.
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